General terms of use



These General Conditions of Use are enforceable against each beneficiary of the Pass’Lozère. The Pass’Lozère is set up and managed by the Department of Lozère, located 4 rue de la Rovère, BP24, 48000 MENDE.


The Pass'Lozère aims to offer discount offers on various tourist services for visitors but also local residents.

It comes in the form of a unique dematerialized, numbered support, accompanied by a QRcode. The Pass’Lozère is strictly nominative. Therefore, it cannot be transferred or handed over to a third party.

The Pass'Lozère is a pass intended for all people accompanying the Pass holder. With a single Pass, a maximum of eight people can benefit from discounts. However, each partner can define a number of people who can benefit from the reduction granted in the pass of less than 8 people.

The Pass'Lozère offers a price reduction on a range of tourist services listed on the website, within the limits of the conditions defined herein.


The purpose of these General Conditions of Use is to define the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of the use of the Pass’Lozère.
The beneficiary of the Pass’Lozère, and prior to any order for the pass, undertakes to read these General Conditions of Use and to accept them without any reservation.

Certain services or activities offered may also include conditions specific to the partner site concerned. In such a case, these will be clearly brought to the attention of the beneficiary. Therefore, these only concern the Conditions of Use of Pass’Lozère and not the specific conditions of the partner service providers themselves. Indeed, each tourism professional freely organizes their access, opening and operating conditions, but also the number of people who can benefit from the reduction granted in the pass.


These General Conditions of Use apply from the order date until the expiration date of the Pass’Lozère. The Pass’Lozère is valid for one year from the date of first use with a professional partner of the operation.


The version of the General Conditions of Use enforceable against the user is that accepted by the beneficiary at the time of ordering the Pass’Lozère. The different versions of the General Conditions of Use are archived by the Department of Lozère according to the following methods: archiving by date.

The version of the General Conditions of Use takes precedence over any printed version of an earlier date.

Any update following modification of the General Conditions of Use will be brought to the attention of the beneficiary and the partner as soon as possible by the Department of Lozère.


The Pass’Lozère can be ordered directly on the website or on the Pass’Lozère mobile application. It is also possible to order it from a distribution point contractually authorized by the Department of Lozère. The list of distribution points is available on the Pass’Lozère website. Personal information and data relating to the Pass’Lozère holder are necessary for the proper processing of the order. Otherwise, the Pass’Lozère order cannot be validated.


The Pass’Lozère is free. Its offer includes reductions at partner service providers of the operation which apply to the full adult price of tourist sites or activities (limited to eight beneficiaries per Pass). Its offer includes the provision of a QR Code (via a pdf document sent by email). The user can download or not the accompanying mobile application or consult the Pass'Lozère website.


The Pass'Lozère consists of a PDF document (printable or downloadable to your computer, tablet or mobile phone) in the name of the beneficiary. The latter is sent by email and includes a QR code as well as the unique 8-digit code of the pass to be presented to partner professionals.

The beneficiary can download the Pass'Lozère application and enter the 8-digit code of their pass or scan it to register it. He will then be able to present it directly to professionals.

Prior to each visit, the holder must present the Pass'Lozère to validate their delivery to the partner site concerned.

The Pass'Lozère is strictly nominative. Consequently, it cannot be transferred or handed over to a third party. The partner site has the right to request the presentation of a photo ID document to the Pass'Lozère card holder. The bearer of the identity document must match the name indicated on the Pass’Lozère.

The exhaustive list of partner sites can be consulted on the Pass’Lozère website and mobile application.

The Pass'Lozère does not constitute a skip-the-line ticket. The Pass'Lozère does not guarantee availability or access to any activities offered by the sites.

The Pass'Lozère can be presented several times at partner sites during its validity period.

When registering for Pass’Lozère, certain personal data of the user will be collected.

Within minutes of registration, the Pass'Lozère is sent by email and can be used immediately.

From the first use on a partner site, the Pass'Lozère is valid for a period of one year.

A Pass'Lozère must be validated for the first time at a partner site no later than one year after the order date, otherwise it will expire. At the end, the beneficiary will be able to order a new one.

The Pass'Lozère is not transferable to a third party.

In the event of non-use of all or part of the discounts included in the Pass'Lozère according to the deadlines described above, no costs of any nature whatsoever may be claimed as reimbursement or compensation.

In the event of force majeure linked to health issues, administrative closures, etc. no reimbursement or compensation is provided.

The opening hours of each partner site are the responsibility of the site itself and are indicated for information purposes only on the Pass'Lozère website.

The list of partners included in the Pass'Lozère is subject to change over time and is therefore not contractual.


When ordering the Pass'Lozère, an email is sent to the user allowing them to download their pass in its digital version (pdf). This email indicates the Pass'Lozère website and mobile application listing the tourist sites that are partners of the operation in real time.

The website allows the Pass'Lozère holder to be informed of the following information relating to partner sites: address, telephone number, website, days and times of opening to the public as well as prices.

The information appearing on the website and the application is that known at the time of distribution and does not predict modifications that could be made (changes to schedules, prices, establishment closures, withdrawal of a professional from the Pass'Lozère operation…).

During the season, a service provider may decide to no longer offer offers.

Despite all the care taken in its creation, the website and the application may contain errors for which the Department of Lozère cannot be held responsible (non-contractual information). The information comes in particular from the TOURINSOFT database, managed by the Lozère Departmental Tourism Committee, in partnership with tourist offices and in conjunction with the professionals concerned.

In the event of non-compliance with contractual obligations or in the event of force majeure, the Department of Lozère reserves the right to terminate the partnership which links it to a partner site and to withdraw the visit services concerned in the offer. of the Pass'Lozère, without the holder being able to prejudge any recourse for compensation for damage possibly suffered or to claim any reimbursement or any compensation.
The partner site undertakes to inform the Department of Lozère without delay of any modification relating to the correct information of Pass'Lozère holders: reception conditions, opening days and hours, exceptional or permanent closure, prices.

In the event of a modification, the service provider undertakes to update its TOURINSOFT file, so that the information is correctly reflected on the Pass’Lozère website and mobile application.

The Department of Lozère cannot be held responsible for modifications inherent to the reception conditions of a partner site and preventing the smooth running or execution of the visit services offered as part of the Pass'Lozère.

Prior to any visit, it is recommended that the Pass'Lozère holder inquire directly with the partner site about the days, opening and closing times of the site.


In the event of a technical malfunction of the Pass'Lozère preventing validation of the code or QR-CODE when accessing a partner site, the holder is invited to inform the Department of Lozère as soon as possible in order to carry out a replacement by email to or 04 66 49 66 32.


The data is collected within the framework of compliance with the GDPR. The information and personal data collected are limited to the data strictly necessary for the Pass'Lozère request, in order to certify the true identity of the beneficiary.

The data can be used by the Department of Lozère, the Departmental Committee of Lozère and its partners to obtain the Pass'Lozère, for statistical analysis on the use of the Pass'Lozère, but also for business development.

The holder of the Pass'Lozère may exercise his rights of access and rectification with regard to information concerning him and subject to processing, under the conditions provided for by Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978. by contacting the Department of Lozère:
 • by email:
 • by post: Lozère Departmental Council – Your IT rights and freedoms – Hôtel du Département - 4 rue de la Rovère - BP 24 - 48001 MENDE

The information collected is recorded in a computer file managed by the Department of Lozère. This data will be used to send the Pass'Lozère, news and satisfaction surveys, newsletters on the promotion of Lozère, and the development of attendance statistics.The data collected will be communicated to the Department of Tourism Committee to feed its customer relationship management tool.

The data is saved daily on a secure storage space linked to the site managed by the Lozère Departmental Council. They will be kept for the time necessary to achieve the objective pursued within the limit of 18 months after the last contact between the two parties.


For any information, the Pass'Lozère holder is invited to contact