Sports de nature
Without any time constraints, come and discover canoeing, kayaking, Stand Up Paddle or rafting in the most beautiful and fun parts of the Gorges du Tarn. The activity is planned with family or friends, accessible to all...
Pass'Lozère offer: -2€ per person on all services. Price per person offered as an indication for the rental of a 2-seater canoe on the “Le Sensationnel” route (11 km).
Complément d'informations
Obligation to know how to swim a minimum of 25 m and to be able to put your head underwater is mandatory.
Wearing a life jacket and closed shoes is mandatory.
From the introductory course to rental over several days, you will find the activity adapted to your expectations. Consult Aqualoisirs to find out in detail the different services offered.
Located between two of the most beautiful canoe routes in one of France’s most impressive natural landscapes, Les Gorges du Tarn, we have 4 canoe routes to choose from starting from Les Vignes (9, 10, 20 and 23kms). Explore this fabulous location on your own, with the family or in a group. Novices and experts are welcome. Canoe/Kayak (rentals): Your trip begins and ends at Les Vignes . All transports and transfers up the river are included in the price as any equipment required for canoeing/kayaking and whitewater rafting (jackets, paddles, waterproof bottles and helmets). Whitewater rafting: Routes between Les Vignes and Le Rozier. Free private car park.
Horaires d'ouverture
Open every day from April to October from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.AQUALOISIRS
Established in the heart of the Gorges du Tarn in the medieval town of Sainte-Enimie (48) for nearly 40 years, Canoë Mejean specializes in the rental of canoes and kayaks for descents of the Gorges du Tarn.
Pass'Lozère offer: -2€ per person on all services. Price per person offered as an indication for the rental of a 2-seater canoe on the 6 km route.